
Showing posts from December, 2017

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

In Roman Mythology the 1st settlers of Rome abducted the woman taking them as their wives. The role woman played was giving birth & then marriage. Their roles included looking after the home, nurturing the family & bearing children. The Roman  families was male dominated. The woman were subordinate. Roman woman had little or no role in public political life. Only woman of lower status were seen in public. They were the woman of agriculture, markets, crafts & midwives. Woman in todays society are stereotyped, stigmatized, degraded & have jokes made about our emotions. Woman have now conquered the world 1 by 1, climbing the ladder & making ourselves known. We have fought for our rights.  Woman are still looked at as being "weak & vulnerable". We are still being looked at as sex objects, as a prize or trophy to our bread winning significant other. We deserved to be recognized as being valid & worthy. We de...
      GURU OR GRUMPY OLD MAN One day my acting coach asked me out of the blue if I would play Cinderella at a kids party. I agreed. Not knowing how to talk to small children or how to do parties my journey began. My 1st gig I talked to the kids like little adults. I am a mother of 2 but my children were grown. It had been some time since I had been around small children. Next time around my agent asks if I would play Barney. For those of you who don’t know Barney is this huge purple dinosaur  πŸ¦• Living in NYC we mostly take trains everywhere. So now I’m carrying this huge costume in a garbage bag looking like a homeless person. Not as glamorous as the previous princess  πŸ‘ΈπŸΌ  party  🎈  but I made the best of it. For 2 years I continued to do numerous parties with several different characters. I had so many costumes I had to dedicate an entire closet to it. Nyc apartments are small. Losing a whole close space is a lot. I loved working...

As 1 Chapter Ends Another Begins

Hi. I'm back. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay, had a really rough day yesterday. 7:00 a.m. we launched Kids Party Character set-up company which I have been working on for the last eight months of my life branding and creating a membership site for corporate America and hopefully international who want to own their own children's entertainment company and gain financial freedom through it. Click here to become a member   And then at 9:00 a.m. we signed a huge franchise deal with United Kingdom and it all kind of overwhelmed me, and I'm back full speed. Got lots of rest yesterday. Another thing I wanted to touch on is you know, I'm a very nice person and kind of tend to be nice to everyone, and not everyone is deserving. I got what they call ghosted by someone who really affected me. I thought they were something more than they were and you know, really got cursed out at and mistreated by them. Anyw...