Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
In Roman Mythology the 1st settlers of Rome abducted the woman taking them as their wives. The role woman played was giving birth & then marriage. Their roles included looking after the home, nurturing the family & bearing children.
The Roman families was male dominated. The woman were subordinate. Roman woman had little or no role in public political life. Only woman of lower status were seen in public. They were the woman of agriculture, markets, crafts & midwives.
Woman in todays society are stereotyped, stigmatized, degraded & have jokes made about our emotions.
Woman have now conquered the world 1 by 1, climbing the ladder & making ourselves known. We have fought for our rights.
Woman are still looked at as being "weak & vulnerable". We are still being looked at as sex objects, as a prize or trophy to our bread winning significant other.
We deserved to be recognized as being valid & worthy. We deserve equality.
"We are just as good as men out there. We can succeed in anything we put our minds to & we can do it while wearing heels"
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Bringing Children's Imagination to Life
Miss Cheryl Jacobs
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